Billionaire Warren Buffett reveals the 2 things he always carries in his wallet

Billionaire Warren Buffett has been spilling some secrets about his unique lifestyle in recent days, and his revelations have not disappointed.

This week, the 88-year-old CEO of Berkshire Hathaway opened up his wallet — literally — to reveal what he carries on him at all times.

In an interview with Yahoo! Finance Wednesday, Buffett said he always makes sure he has these two things on him: hundreds in cash and an American Express card.

“I probably carry, maybe, $400,” Buffett explained, adding that his spouse, 73-year-old Astrid Menks, prefers to use cash over credit.

When it comes to spending, the businessman, who is ranked No. 3 in Forbes' billionaires' list with an $89.2 billion net worth, said old habits die hard.

"I've got an American Express card which I got in 1964,” he joked with Yahoo! Finance. “But I pay cash 98 percent of the time. If I'm in a restaurant, I always pay cash. It's just easier.”

He may be one of the world's richest people but Buffett has frequently been called "frugal."

"I pay cash 98 percent of the time. If I'm in a restaurant, I always pay cash. It's just easier.”

- Warren Buffett

The billionaire has been living in the same house (which he originally bought for $31,000) for more than 60 years, drives an average car and never spends more than $3 or $4 on his daily McDonald's breakfast.

"The truth is, I only drive about 3,500 miles a year so I will buy a new car very infrequently," he told Forbes in 2014.


Last week, Buffett confirmed he still has an unhealthy diet — crushing five cans of Coca-Cola a day, frequently scanning fast-food menus and topping it all off with a sweet Dairy Queen sundae.

“I’m not bothered by the thought of my death,” Buffett recently told the Financial Times, adding that he loves UTZ potato sticks. However, he emphasized that his diet doesn't slow him down and he's still very much active when it comes to managing his company.

“I’m one-quarter Coca-Cola,” Buffett told Fortune in 2015. “If I eat 2,700 calories a day — a quarter of that is Coca-Cola. I drink at least five 12-ounce servings. I do it every day.”