Cyber Security


New York Times Bureau Hacked

The New York Times said on Tuesday its Moscow bureau was targeted by a cyber attack this month but that there was no evidence the hackers, believed to be Russian, were successful.


New York Times Bureau Hacked

The New York Times said on Tuesday its Moscow bureau was targeted by a cyber attack this month but that there was no evidence the hackers, believed to be Russian, were successful.


Most Venture-Backed IPOs Since 2000

Although not quite at dot com boom levels, the U.S. is seeing the most venture-backed IPOs since the tech bubble. Fifty-five companies with venture financing have priced this year, the most seen in the same period since 2000, when there were 148, according to Dealogic.


Most Venture-Backed IPOs Since 2000

Although not quite at dot com boom levels, the U.S. is seeing the most venture-backed IPOs since the tech bubble. Fifty-five companies with venture financing have priced this year, the most seen in the same period since 2000, when there were 148, according to Dealogic.


Europeans Flock to Bitcoin Amid Greek Crisis

As Greece reaches a crisis of epic proportions, many Europeans are looking to put their money elsewhere. In addition to commodities and other government-issued currencies, bitcoin is seeing an uptick in volume.


Opinion: LEADS Act Can Save U.S. Innovation

With cloud computing becoming commonplace, the federal government is seeking to place every byte of data on the Internet under its jurisdiction, a power-grab that should concern every American and every foreigner using an American corporation for computer services.