Social Security Benefits

Personal Finance

3 great reasons to take Social Security benefits at 62

Your monthly Social Security benefit is unique to you, and it's calculated based on your average monthly wage, indexed for inflation, during your 35 most profitable years of earnings in the workforce. That benefit, however, won't be yours in full until you reach full retirement age, or FRA.

Personal Finance

3 Social Security mistakes married couples make

There's a good chance that Social Security will end up being an important source of income for you in retirement, so you'll want to get your filing decisions just right. And that means steering clear of the following mistakes you could end up making when you're part of a married couple.

Personal Finance

5 of the best ways to boost Social Security benefits

This growing reliance on Social Security demonstrates how important it is for future generations of retired workers to maximize what they'll receive from the program. While some benefit-boosting catalysts, such as the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) or congressional action, are beyond our control, there are five smart and effective ways workers can increase their Social Security benefits.