Boomer Retirees Need a Hand Paying Down Debt
Talking to a professional financial advisor is probably the best method for figuring out how to pay down debt as you near retirement.
Medicare’s Maze - How to Maximize Benefits
Once you reach that golden age of 65 Medicare steps in to take care of most of your healthcare needs. But there are a lot of exclusions with Medicare plans and for Baby Boomers living on a fixed income, those exclusions along with the out of pocket expenses can have a huge impact on your financial future.
The Price You Pay When Adult Children Move Back Home
So, the last of your children have left the nest and you are finally ready to enjoy your golden years. Not so fast, boomers!! According to Pew Research Center analysis released last month, more millennials are now living with their parents than during the Great Recession. As of the first four months of this year young adults living in their parents’ homes has increased from 24% to 26%. With all of these sons and daughters moving back home, who is paying their living expenses?
Estate Planning Mistakes Every Boomer Should Avoid
No one likes to talk about estate planning, but if you don’t have the right conversations and make the proper preparations it can spell disaster for you and your loved ones.
Boomers on the Hunt for the Perfect Retirement Spot
When it comes to picking a retirement destination, boomers can’t make the decision based on weather. Other factors like affordability, access to transportation and 'walkability', housing and activities should also come into play.
Tips for Boomers Looking for Part-Time Work During Retirement
Sometimes boomers aren't completely ready to leave the workforce all together when they retire. But the current anemic labor market and misconceptions among employers can make finding a part-time gig difficult. But there are ways they can fight back and prove their value.