Retiring Abroad? Here’s What You Need to Know
Many current and soon-to-be retirees still struggling from the Great Financial Crisis have decided to pack their bags and spend their golden years overseas, according to a new survey.
When Should You Claim Social Security? (There Are no Do-Overs)
For the millions of Baby Boomers not yet in retirement age the big question remains, when should I start taking my Social Security benefits?
What Rising Interest Rates Mean for Annuities
Annuities can serve to be an important leg in your retirement portfolio no matter what the current interest rates are. It is difficult to determine the perfect time to invest in an annuity, but with a projected hike in rates, it might be a good time to weigh the option.
Scrambling Ahead of Tax Day? You Are Not Alone -- Here's Advice
According to the Internal Revenue Service, 20-25% of all Americans wait until the last two weeks before the deadline to prepare their tax returns. If you are guilty of waiting until the last minute there are two things you can do, file your taxes quickly, or request an extension.
Caregivers at Risk of Financial Fraud, Scams Targeting Elderly
Elder financial abuse doesn’t just harm retirees and seniors, but also those who take care of them -- and can have a negative impact on their ability to save for their own retirement, according to a new study.
Caregivers at Risk of Financial Fraud, Scams Targeting Elderly
Elder financial abuse doesn’t just harm retirees and seniors, but also those who take care of them -- and can have a negative impact on their ability to save for their own retirement, according to a new study.
Retirement Planning: Boomers Navigate Impact of Financial Crisis
According to a new study, only two percent of middle-income Baby Boomers feel the economy has fully recovered from the financial crisis that began in 2007.
Retirement Planning: Boomers Navigate Impact of Financial Crisis
According to a new study, only two percent of middle-income Baby Boomers feel the economy has fully recovered from the financial crisis that began in 2007.
Retirement Tips and Strategies for Working Women
Women have indeed come along way, but according to a new survey, they are still today at greater risk of not achieving a financially secure retirement than men.
Retirement Tips and Strategies for Working Women
Women have indeed come along way, but according to a new survey, they are still today at greater risk of not achieving a financially secure retirement than men.
Attn Retirees: Don't Miss This April 1 Tax Deadline
While Uncle Sam’s IRS tax deadline is weeks away, some seniors face an important retirement withdrawal deadline next week, and if they miss it there will be a steep price to pay.
What Rising Interest Rates Mean for Your Retirement
The Federal Reserve raised interest rates in December for just the second time since the 2008 financial crisis.
The Most Common Retirement Myths, Mistakes and Regrets
Retirement planning, to say the least, can be intimidating for most. What is the magic number you will need in your savings account to be ready to retire? Everyone wants to know, but many don’t know where to begin.
The Most Common Retirement Myths, Mistakes and Regrets
Retirement planning, to say the least, can be intimidating for most. What is the magic number you will need in your savings account to be ready to retire? Everyone wants to know, but many don’t know where to begin.
Older Americans On Edge, Await Trump Speech for Medicare, Social Security Updates
Many older Americans are anxiously awaiting any potential updates on Medicare and Social Security.
Older Americans On Edge, Await Trump Speech for Medicare, Social Security Updates
Many older Americans are anxiously awaiting any potential updates on Medicare and Social Security.
Successful Boomer Women Offer Financial Advice to Younger Generations
Here is what younger generations can learn from Boomer women about the power of money.
AARP: 'Age Tax' Means Healthcare Price Hikes for Older Americans
In a new media campaign, AARP lashes out against the recently introduced State Age Rating Flexibility Act of 2017, legislation that would allow insurers to charge older Americans significantly more for health insurance.
AARP: 'Age Tax' Means Healthcare Price Hikes for Older Americans
In a new media campaign, AARP lashes out against the recently introduced State Age Rating Flexibility Act of 2017, legislation that would allow insurers to charge older Americans significantly more for health insurance.
Here’s What Needs to be on Every Boomers’ Retirement Check List
The economy might be on the mend, but that doesn’t mean baby boomers’ security in being able to retire is also on the mend.