California, New York, and New Jersey are now socialist states: Piscopo

Actor, comedian and radio talk show host Joe Piscopo said top Democrats in New Jersey need to lighten up, or they may be in for a rude of awakening come primary season.

Piscopo believes if either Senate President Stephen Sweeney or Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy were pitted against any of the other 2020 candidates, they would be in trouble.

“I’m telling you right now, If Gov. Murphy, if Steve Sweeney does a primary, and I don’t mean inside around the rest of the country, but this is huge in Jersey because Jersey, New York and California are now socialist states,” he told FOX Business' Neil Cavuto on Friday.

He said these states have the highest taxes in the country and argued that regular people can’t afford it.

This comes amid a battle between Democrats and Republicans over a proposed millionaire tax.

“They can’t tax us anymore," Piscopo said. "The middle class is getting wiped out."

“You know who listens to my show in the morning? A lot of the cab drivers: They go Joe, 'The congestion pricing they put in New York City -- that’s a middle-class tax.' The tolls are going up in the Port Authority—the tolls are going up.”

Piscopo added, “and Gov. Murphy is one of the nicest guys in the world… But [Senate] President Sweeney, stop taxing the people.”


Piscopo said companies and rich people are leaving the state in “droves” and if an individual is worth $550 million, a millionaire’s tax does not mean a lot to you.

When Cavuto pointed out “well a lot of people said you should run,” Piscopo replied: “If Jon Bramnick, he’s the leader on the GOP side and a very smart guy—if he doesn’t go in and if Mr. Sweeney doesn’t go in as an independent – let’s go rip it up. Let’s go rip it up.”

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