16 Businesses You Can Start Today

If you have ever wondered how to be an entrepreneur, you are in luck.  There are so many business ideas available for any person with initiative and a will to try that you can start a business in no time.

Here are just a few ideas for small businesses that you can jump into full force to begin your business venture.

Tutoring:  If you are good at teaching and have a good knowledge on educational subjects as well as other subjects such as music, computers, and even crafty disciplines such as quilting, photography, knitting, etc. you can run your very own tutoring business.

Web Design:  Every business needs an online presence so why not take advantage of your very own web design company?

Phone Apps:  Step into the virtual world of fun by creating your very own phone apps to sell to the millions of people who are looking for entertaining, functional, helpful apps.  This niche is extremely popular and growing.

Catering/Restaurant:  Starting your own catering business or even a full on restaurant is a prime example of a good business undertaking if you know food and have some business background.  You can take this endeavor all the way or specialize in certain areas like baking cakes, cookies, etc. for parties.

Event Planner:  Creating an event planning endeavor is a great as well as fun way to start your own business. If you are good at organization, time management, and have your ducks in a row, you will be a great event planner.


Reseller:  Many business minded individuals use the reseller business idea to create a substantial income.  The main objective of this business is to buy and then sell unused products such as books, phones, etc. through websites like Amazon or Ebay.

Computer Repair:  If you are a whiz with computers whether it be removing viruses, fixing programs, or if you are knowledgeable on how to do the technical repairs this may be the perfect solution to how you can become an entrepreneur.

Affiliate Marketing:  There are so many affiliate marketing opportunities available today.  Just make sure to research the company and products before going full force; however, this is an exceptional way to build your own business.

Babysitting:  If you love kids you may want to consider running your very own daycare.  You can start this in your house and expand to a building once you have a good backing.

Dog Walking:  Dog lovers everywhere will appreciate a dependable person to offer exercise to their furry loved ones because they may not have the time or energy to walk their dogs after a hard day of work.

Pet Sitting:  Many people need someone to take care of their pets while they go on vacation, business trips, emergency trips, etc.

Elderly Sitting:  There are many people who have to take care of their elderly parents and relatives and need someone to sit with their loved one for a little while so they can run errands.

Errand Runner:  You could even start an errand service business for individuals who are not able to leave their house, do not have the proper transportation, and so forth.

Landscaping:  If you are good at yard work and have the proper equipment, you can find many clients willing to let you mow their lawns, garden their landscape and so much more.

Handyman:  If you are Mr. or Ms. Fix it, you can always contract your work to those who are not so handy.

Photographer:  Are good at capturing memorable shots and either have or can get your hands on some proper equipment? You may be able to start your very own photography business. There are so many business ideas that you can start your own business from in no time.  Just take some time and find what you are good at and what you are interested in.  Put together a business plan and get to work on your business venture today!

Gresham Harkless is a Local Media Consultant Blue16Media and writer for CEO Blog Nation. He regularly writes and contributes to support entrepreneurs, startups and business owners. He blogs on CEO Blog Nation at www.progreshion.ceoblognation.com.

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