Peanut butter based on 2020 candidates released. Here's where you can get a jar

There’s now a tasty way to enjoy the 2020 election -- with peanut butter.

On Wednesday, Nerdy Nuts released four flavors of peanut butter based on the food preferences of President Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

Each jar of the limited edition peanut butter, which can be purchased on the company's website, also features the candidate’s political slogan.

“We created the political candidate flavors based on the people, not their politics,” Nerdy Nuts co-founder Erika Peterson said in a statement. “We wanted positive products that were fun and brought everyone together, especially in such a tense political climate.”

The Sanders-themed peanut butter -- named “Fuel the Bern!” -- is cinnamon raisin-flavored because the Vermont senator said in a 2016 Washington Post interview, that he eats Raisin Bran for breakfast while on the campaign trail, according to Nerdy Nuts.

The company was inspired to make “Warren’s Winner” taste like strawberry frosting and sprinkles because the Massachusetts senator tweeted that she prefers the “pink Homer Simpson donut.”

The president’s flavor, called “Trump’s Triumph,” tastes like vanilla cookie and cream because he likes Vienna Wafers, according to The Daily Meal. Meanwhile, Biden’s “Joe’s Dream” flavor is chocolate chip because he tweeted that his favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip.


The Rapid City, South Dakota-based company released the flavors on its website on Wednesday. A jar of the politically-themed, artisan peanut butter costs $12.