Capital One Launches ‘I Am Small Business Proud’ Campaign

Capital One is sending two filmmakers across the United States on a small business tour.

Capital One’s “I Am Small Business Proud” campaign is being covered by New York-filmmakers Trisha Dalton and John Sears. Dalton and Sears left the Big Apple on Thursday to begin the campaign, which they say will include over 35 cities, from Philadelphia and Atlanta to Denver and Los Angeles.

“We want to give small businesses a greater awareness and a greater spotlight,” says Chris O’Neill, the director of PR and digital campaigns for Capital One. He says Dalton and Sears will easily connect with the business owners, as they are entrepreneurs in their own right.

“I graduated four years ago now, and as soon as I graduated I was looking for a job doing anything in filmmaking. I wasn’t finding it, so I started my own business to do it myself,” says Sears.

Dalton and Sears will be conducting interviews with at least one small business owner in each city on the bus tour. The entrepreneurs’ stories will be shared online at a and through Capital One Spark’s Twitter account.

The first video, posted on Thursday, features Amanda Byron Zink, the owner of Manhattan dog groom business The Salty Paw.

Any small business owners interested in being covered during the tour can reach Dalton and Sears via social media.

“We’re inviting folks to tell us what small business owners we should visit,” says Sears. The bus tour will conclude mid-June.