Does Hillary Clinton deserve to be indicted for past indiscretions?

Former Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton questioned the legality of President Trump’s actions laid out in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

At the Time 100 summit on Tuesday, Clinton said that the evidence outlined in the report suggests that “any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted.”

American Majority CEO Ned Ryun agreed with Clinton about the inequality of the legal system and implied she benefitted from such an arrangement.

“I think the rule of law is a bit of a farce,” Ryun said during an interview on FOX Business’ “Kennedy.” “I don’t think we have equal application of the law, and I think that Hillary is a living example that, for some people, the rule of law is more a series of suggestions.”

Ryun pointed out what he called Clinton’s hypocrisy, based on the treatment she received following the deletion of emails from her private server ahead of the 2016 election and blamed former intelligence officials for not properly administering justice.

“What took place over the last two years was a massive abuse of the surveillance state and our law enforcement agencies, and there has to be a reckoning,” Ryun claimed.

“The Richard Fowler Show” host and Fox News contributor Richard Fowler agreed with Ryun’s assessment of an unfair legal system, but also noted that “the notion that the Mueller report is a slam dunk for the president’s complete exoneration just isn’t the truth,” based on the several possible instances of obstruction of justice listed in the report.


Ryun added that Attorney General William Barr “essentially said that he didn’t buy [Mueller team prosecutor] Andrew Weissmann’s definition of obstruction of justice” and the president remains unindicted.