Eagles of Death Metal Frontman: Security Might Have Been in on Paris Attacks

During an interview with the FOX Business Network’s Kennedy, Jessie Hughes, the lead singer of the band Eagles of Death Metal opened up about a terrorist attack on his band and concertgoers that took place at a Paris concert, and he alleges that security guards at the venue may have been involved.

“When I first got to the venue and walked in, I walked past the dude who was supposed to be the security guard for the backstage. He didn’t even look at me. I immediately went to the promoter and said, ‘Who’s that guy? I want to put another dude on,’ and he goes, ‘well some of the other guards aren’t here yet,’ and eventually I found out that six or so wouldn’t show up at all.”

Hughes would not make a definitive statement out of respect for the police investigation but said, “It seems rather obvious they had a reason not to show up.”

The full interview will air on the FOX Business Network’s Kennedy on Wednesday and Thursday at 8 pm ET.

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