Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to testify before Congress: report

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has reportedly agreed to testify before Congress after repeated calls from lawmakers, as reported by CNNMoney.

But a spokesperson for the social media network tells FOX Business that they “are not confirming CNN’s reporting on this.”

According to CNNMoney’s report, Facebook sources say the 33-year-old CEO will have to testify before Congress “within a matter of weeks” and his team is “currently planning” the strategy for his testimony.

Part of his reason for his willingness is that he hopes it will also put pressure on both Google and Twitter CEOs to do the same. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has already invited all three CEOs to a hearing on data privacy on April 10.

Earlier Tuesday, Zuckerberg turned down a request from British lawmakers to answer similar questions about Facebook’s privacy practices after news of the social network’s data breach, involving a consulting firm that was hired by Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, made massive headlines.  Zuckerberg has since apologized to users for the mishap, saying, “We have a responsibility to protect your data, and if we can't then we don't deserve to serve you.”

But still the data compromise of 50 million users, has not sat well with the public. Many are calling for big companies to delete their Facebook pages and suspend their advertising. Earlier this week, Pep Boys announced it suspended all of its advertising on the social media platform until all the facts come out.

Last week, internet company Mozilla Corp. and billionaire Elon Musk took similar steps.