GM's car-sharing service Maven helps drive industry change

Ride-sharing and car-sharing has evolved the way people get from one place to another. New technology sparked new businesses, like Uber, Lyft and General Motors (NYSE:GM) latest venture, Maven.

“GM is understanding that the landscape of mobility is changing and they are adapting with it instead of sticking with the traditional” says Brent Taylor, Maven General Manager for New York tells FOX Business.

Launched in 2016, Maven offers a fleet of GM cars and trucks, across 17 cities in North America.  In just a year and a half, Maven services have given 9.3 million rides and driven more than 125 million miles.

“Our customer base is everything from the students to grownups, just because of the logistical problems that comes with vehicle ownership,” say Taylor.

The gig-economy, or freelance jobs, has also seen growth with an increase in ride-sharing drivers. According to a Brookings research report, ride-sharing driver contractors have increased 69% between 2010-2014.

“With our Maven Gig and Express drive programs we are offering vehicles to Uber and Lyft drivers. We’re are allowing them to dip their toes in that space and say ‘hey is this for me’ before they go out and make a massive capital investment,” says Taylor.

With the future of traditional car rental space in the balance, company’s like Maven hope to capitalize off of new technology and changing user trends.

“Transportation and mobility are going to just be upside to what it is today and we want to be on the forefront of that,” says Taylor.

To learn more about Maven and listen to the full interview, click the video above.

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