Is Pot For Puppies Really a Thing?

The cannabis industry is growing (yes, pun intended). Expected to hit $6.7 billion in 2016, according to market research firm IBISWorld, and with  recent legislation sweeping the country, one can argue that America is in a weed boom.

New startups from edible companies to accessories are popping up every day and an expected 14,027 companies will be in the weed business by 2021, reports IBISWorld.

With innovation around every corner, it was about time for it to hit the pet market. Is there really such thing as medical marijuana for puppies

Well, sort of.

One company, Endexx (NASDAQ:EDXC) has developed a CBD-infused dog treat, Phyto-bytes, to help aging or anxiety-ridden pets. “This does not get an animal high,” says Davis.

CBD is short for cannabidiol, a chemical compound found in the cannabis family, like hemp plants. CBD does not have the psychoactive properties that THC does, but it does produce similar medical benefits.

“This is perfect for arthritic conditions, respiratory breathing problems, end of life, quality of life issues for pets,” says Davis. It helps ease tension, curb barking and even helps them pep up.

Based out of Arizona and regulated by the state, the future for CBD research and cannabis is promising.

“The fact that the United States has overwhelmingly voted for this end of prohibition for this simple plant product is amazing, and for us, it allows us to educate the public on what this plant brings to them,” adds Davis.

Be sure to watch Davis’ full interview and see if these puppy treats are right for your pet.