Millennials Struggle to Find Financial Sweet Spot
When it comes to money woes, there’s no such thing as too old or too young.
In fact, a new report from TD Bank, finds that the oldest millennials—those ages 24 through 34, say that while they feel able to manage their finances, they are under extreme financial stress.
More than half of millennials (55%) report they feel they are able to manage their money, but can’t seem to find financial happiness. One-fourth of all millennials report being under extreme financial stress.
Ryan Bailey, executive vice president, Head of Money In, TD Bank, says a big factor to the fiscal uncertainty is that college grads can’t find jobs, or are underemployed.
“They’re just not finding jobs in their fields even though college enrollment is at record highs,” he says. “Ten to 15 years ago, you could easily find a job. Today, they are seeing people ahead of them not finding work.”
TD Bank polled more than 1,000 millennials, and found two-thirds wish they were more financially prepared for major life events. Specifically, they report they felt unprepared for the financial implications of major life events including, going to college (31%), having a child (27%) and starting a new job (21%%).
The things that most stressed out millennials in the survey were paying bills (45% overall), having a lack of funds or poor financial situation (33%) or basic cost of living (7% overall).
When seeking financial advice, millennials most frequently turn to family and friends.
To help gain financial confidence, Bailey suggests setting a budget early as an adult, and creating a rainy day fund if possible.
“A big percentage of people just wish they prepared more,” Bailey says. “They think it’s easier to prepare than it actually is. Have an action plan—whether you are getting married, having kids or going to college.”