Notre Dame's Lou Holtz Says The ‘Country Can’t Survive’ Without Trump

Legendary Notre Dame football coach Lou Holtz thinks the country is headed in the wrong direction, and Donald Trump can fix it.

“For the first time in my life… the IRS is political. The State Department is political. You have the Department of Justice is political and the FBI is political. I don’t believe this country can continue to survive and these people are just tired of the direction the country is going,” he told the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto.

Holtz also weighed in on Clinton’s email scandal and the comparisons to Watergate.

“I’m old enough to remember Watergate. Remember this… Attorney generals resigned because they would not do something illegal the president wanted them to do. In addition to that there was a Republican and Democrat that stood up to Nixon and said this is wrong. Today it’s all about politics when Harry Reid can come on and tell lie after lie without any justification and eventually said, well he lost didn’t he? These are the things that drives people crazy,” he said.

The legendary coach also has a “lot of confidence” that Trump’s mounting support is “not just about the emails.”

“When he [Trump] talked about draining the swamp, what we are talking about, let’s get this country back to what are our core values [are]. When I was growing up our core value was honesty. If you gave your word you didn’t need contracts, you didn’t need all these fancy things. Somebody gave you their word that’s the way it was. An honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage,” he said.

Holtz then sounded off on the negative media coverage of Donald Trump.

“Over 90 percent… of the coverage of Donald Trump since the conventions has been negative… When they talked about Trump, 27 minutes on the major networks, and less than a minute in a half on Hillary’s email scandal. He’s right and I think people are tired of it. The media is supposed to be the one to look after the government, to make sure that what they are doing is honest and fair and that’s the way it should be that’s the way it was when I was growing up,” he said.

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