Small Business of the Day: The Patchwork Ark

We’re highlighting small businesses from around the country as nominated by you, our readers. If your favorite small business is using Twitter to communicate with customers, let us know about it @fbsmallbiz with the hashtag #mysbc, and it may be featured as an upcoming Small Business of the Day.

Small Business of the Day: The Patchwork Ark

Who: Carolyn Robbins, 54, @thepatchworkark

What: Handmade miniature teddy bears, dolls and quilts

How: Robbins had always been passionate about crafting and in the early 1990s, she decided to turn her hobby into a full-time business.

"I thought I needed to use those talents to share the things I make with other people--to inspire and bring joy to them," she said.

Where: Colorado Springs, Co.

In her own words: "I do a lot of one-of-a-kind things, they are my own patterns. You won't find them somewhere else, and that makes me stand out."

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