The 10 Worst Questions to Ask During An Interview
You’re sitting in an interview, and the hiring manager is about to wrap everything up.
Just when you think you’re free to leave, the hiring manager asks, “Do you have any questions for me?”
You’re speechless.
In an effort to think on your feet, you blurt out, “How much does this position pay?” Immediately you realize this probably wasn’t the best question to ask once you see the expression on the hiring manager’s face.
There are two mistakes job seekers make during the interview process: They don’t have questions prepared for the interviewer, and they ask the wrong questions.
As you prepare for your next job interview, here are 10 of the worst questions you should avoid asking a hiring manager:
1. “Can you tell me more about your company?”
Before any interview, the first thing you must do is research the company. If you ask this question, the hiring manager will think you didn’t do your homework before the interview.
2. “How much vacation time would I receive?”
Never ask about additional perks or benefits during a job interview, especially not the first one. This question should only be asked if the the hiring manager brings up the discussion first.
3. “How quickly could I earn a raise?”
Again, this question is a big no-no. Questions regarding compensation should not be asked unless the hiring manager brings up the topic.
4. “Do you perform background checks?”
When you apply for a job, it should be a given that the employer will perform a background check. In fact, 69 percent of employers perform background checks on all job candidates.
5. “Who is your company’s competition?”
If you’ve done your research prior to the interview, you shouldn’t have to ask this question. Hiring managers expect you to have a good idea of how their company is positioned before you enter the interview.
6. “How important is attendance?”
Asking about attendance during an interview can send a red flag to the interviewer. You should automatically assume you should arrive to work on time and avoid taking off unnecessary vacation days.
7. “Can I work from home?”
If a company allows employees to work from home or telecommute part of the week, it’s typically stated in the job description. There’s no need for you to ask this question during a job interview.
8. “Do you have casual Fridays?”
Casual Fridays and other perks like company parties and entertainment are things you can learn about once you’re hired. Save this question for your manager or coworkers once you’re hired.
9. “What is your review process like?”
Although you might be genuinely concerned about your performance or how managers give feedback, avoid asking questions about the review process. This can make hiring managers worry about how well you’ll perform on the job once hired.
10. “I don’t have any questions for you.”
Whatever you do during an interview, don’t tell the interviewer you don’t have any questions. Every hiring manager expects candidates to have at least one question to ask at the end of the interview.
Asking the wrong question during an interview can definitely cost you a job offer. By avoiding these questions and doing your research, you’ll be better prepared with thoughtful questions to ask at the conclusion of a job interview.
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