Twitter Confirms IPO -- Or Maybe Not
Twitter has finally, possibly, confirmed that it’s moving forward with a 2014 initial public offering.
The notoriously tight-lipped social networking site has remained even more tight-lipped with the press amid speculation that the company is planning to go public sometime next year. But today, the company possibly for the first time, provided some “detail” about its future.
FOX Business’s Katie Roof asked Twitter spokeswoman Carolyn Penner in an email if anyone at the company can “chat with me about IPO rumors.”
Penner’s response, was a simple, but interesting: “…”
According to the Urban Dictionary a “…”, also known as an ellipses, can be interpreted “to indicate the omission or suppression of a word or phrase. The ellipses also “usually indicates a pause or silence.”
Penner has yet to respond to a request to clarify her e-mail.
But several people surveyed on Twitter about Twitter’s response said Penner may have inadvertently confirmed the IPO plans since in the past Twitter has often refused to respond to questions about it.
“It means she can’t say, which probably means yes,” Tweeted @HeisePete
Wall Street executives certainly think Twitter is gearing up for a 2014 IPO. Many of the big firms are meeting with Twitter executives, and there’s some speculation that the underwriting team for the transaction could be similar to the one that led Facebook’s (NASDAQ:FB) 2012 IPO, consisting of Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) as lead underwriter and other top spots going to JPMorgan (NYSE:JPM) and Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS).
Additionally, both the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq stock market have held talks with Twitter to win the company’s stock listing.