Using Facebook to Create a Business

Starting a business on Facebook? That’s what 25-year-olds Steven Spaeth and Lance Pinn, along with fellow co-founder Jeremy Balboni, did when they decided to build a climbing gym in Brooklyn.

“About a year ago, we put out a Facebook group that said ‘New York City needs a climbing gym,’ and we got a lot of feedback from that,” explains Pinn, co-founder of Brooklyn Boulders.

From there, the trio created a Facebook page and even got some of their Facebook friends to volunteer their services to help build the18,000 square foot gym..

As for advertising, Spaeth says they haven't needed to do much. “Facebook has been the backbone of our community outreach. You ask someone a question, you do a poll and you get a response in 30 minutes.”

Q. What was the one thing you didn't know that you had to bluff your way through?

A. We didn't know how to secure a commercial lease without a realtor. After going through many realtors, we ultimately found this space... on Craigslist!

Q. What is one life lesson that has helped you build your business?

A. Always ask for help! People are willing and able, but may not volunteer on their own. Without the support of the already strong NYC climbing community, we would still be in the pre-launch stage.

Q. What do you wish you had more of: time or money? 

A. Time. Building anything in a city as massive as New York City takes forever, even finding the space took more than a year.

Q. How is it working with your friend?

A. Steve and I have been working together  for 3 years, and we've been Fraternity Bros for 7. Since we know each other so well, we expect a lot from each other. Neither of us wants to let the other down, and it makes for an excellent production every time!

Q. What are your three biggest tips to entrepreneurs?

A. Be careful who you trust; premeditate every step; and if you can find an owner that is willing to walk you through the processes of your business, pay his consulting fee!

Q. What social networking platforms do you think will help your business?

A., Facebook, Yelp, and Google.

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