Samantha Hawrylack

Samantha Hawrylack

  • 6+ years of experience in personal finance and real estate content
  • Work published in Newsweek, MarketWatch, USA Today, Rocket Mortgage, Bigger Pockets, Crediful, and many more.

Bio and experience

Samantha Hawrylack is an SEO Strategist, Content Writer, and Certified Conversion Copywriter.

Her previous work experience includes being a Brokerage Investment Professional with Series 7 and 63 licenses at Vanguard.

Samantha currently lives in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and when she's not writing, she's walking at a local park with her husband and dog, traveling, or tending to her vegetable garden.


Samantha holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance and a Master of Business Administration from West Chester University of Pennsylvania.

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