Health care requires a creative solution: Dr. Marc Siegel

President Trump is continuing his effort to dismantle Obamacare.

“The cost of Obamacare is far too high for our great citizens. The deductibles, in many cases way over 7-thousand dollars, make it almost worthless or unusable. Good things are going to happen!” he tweeted on Monday. The president has had the Affordable Care Act in his sights even before he was elected, vowing to remove President Obama's signature health care bill during the 2016 campaign if he was voted into office.

However, some of Trump's biggest supporters have urged the president to exercise caution in his approach to reforming Obamacare with many recommending having a replacement bill ready to go, before hastily removing what is already in place.

Still, some lawmakers suggest the quicker the bill can be removed the better it will be for all Americans.

“The reason we need more creative solutions is we have innovation. We have immuno-therapies that are precision based. For one person they work, they don't work for another. Personalized health care,” Fox News medical correspondent Dr. Marc Siegel said FOX Business' “Bulls & Bears” Monday. “We need creative solutions on how to pay for that. The one size fits all approach doesn't work.”


Health care has become a prominent issue for the growing field of Democratic presidential hopefuls after Trump reignited the debate when he claimed the Republican Party would become the party of health care.

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