Excedrin Says This Election is Causing More Headaches

The Clinton - Trump race for the White House, plagued by dirty tricks, has turned into a marketing chief’s dream.

And the over-the-counter headache pain reliever, Excedrin, which is made by GlaxoSmithKline(NYSE:GSK), is hoping to capitalize big time on this year’s election.

The company sent Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) into overdrive Wednesday hours before the final debate with their tweet, “The possibility of a #DebateHeadache is high. Be prepared with Excedrin," it said in a promoted tweet.

Scott Yacovino, senior brand manager for Excedrin, tells FOXBusiness.com, the move is based on health  research too.

“We talked to Americans across the country and uncovered that 68% said the 2016 Presidential Election has caused more headaches than any other election.”

The tweet quickly got more than two thousand likes and a thousand retweets while the hashtag #DebateHeadache trended throughout the day on Twitter. The success on social media is a win-win says Yacovino.

“That’s why today we are taking over Twitter to let the millions who suffer from headaches, and particularly those suffering during this election season, know that we hear them and are here for them.”

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