Gas drilling watchdog group settles lawsuit in Pennsylvania over terror watch list

A gas drilling watchdog group that says it was characterized in Pennsylvania security bulletins as a potential terror threat has settled its lawsuit against the state.

The settlement terms between Pennsylvania and the Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition haven't been released.

The gas drilling coalition's lawsuit said the bulletins characterized it as a potential threat to infrastructure without evidence. A private contractor produced the reports.

The director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency cleared the coalition of wrongdoing in a letter released by the group's attorney Thursday.

Attorney Paul Rossi says the group is still pursuing litigation against the contractor, the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response.

In 2010, then-Gov. Ed Rendell (ren-DEHL') apologized for the monitoring of peaceful citizens' groups and his homeland security director resigned. That year, an institute co-director defended it at a legislative committee meeting.