Snapshots of Nobel economics winners Nordhaus and Romer
NAME: William Nordhaus
BIRTHDATE: May 31, 1941
BIRTHPLACE: Albuquerque, New Mexico
DOCTORATE: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1967)
CURRENT JOB: Economist, Yale University
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Pioneered climate-change economics, creating models to help guide policymakers.
FAMILY TIE: Brother Robert, who died in 2016, was an energy lawyer, congressional staffer and federal official who wrote parts of the Clean Air Act of 1970.
NAME: Paul Romer
BIRTHDATE: November 7, 1955.
DOCTORATE: University of Chicago (1983)
CURRENT JOB: Economist, New York University's Stern School of Business
ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Studied what distinguishes countries that enjoyed faster long-term economic growth and what governments can do to foster innovation.
FAMILY TIE: Father, Roy Romer, was the governor of Colorado from 1987 to 1999 and also served as a Democratic national chairman.