Your Perfect Personal Finance Reading List

You know that pale guy on the beach, huddled under anumbrella, zinc-oxided nose in a nerdy financial book? That’s me, guilty ascharged. (Although, to be accurate, I’m more likely to drag my iPad to thebeach and keep it safe from sand than any physical book.)

I’ve blogged plenty in the past about great personalfinance reads – so much so, in fact, that it prompts the question: if you can’tread all the great financial books out there, which ones are absolutelyessential? Most reading on this subject is strictly about utility: you read aspecific book to address a specific skill, financial or trading-oriented, thatyou lack or to solve a well-defined problem. (Of course, nobody minds awell-written, even entertaining book about a financial topic either. A nicedose of humor has propelled our own Options Playbook consistently to the top ofmany options traders’ reading lists.) A handful of financial books are classicseveryone should absorb, but many others are perfect for a given niche,investment style, or life-stage. How do you find your ideal match?

That’s why I was excited to find’s post AreThese Best-Selling Personal Finance Books Actually Worth Reading? by MeganElliott. They trained the same skeptical question on hundreds – if not more –financial titles and found highly popular books for precisely targeted readertypes. Are you a parent hoping to raise financially savvy kids? On the cusp ofclaiming Social Security and want to make sure you max out what’s coming toyou?’s list has titles exactly up your alley.

What book(s) will you stick your nose in at the beach thissummer?

Be Good,

Don Montanaro

CEO, TradeKing Group

Follow Don on Twitter and hone your skills at TradeKing All-Stars. You can also followTradeKing on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or YouTube.

[image: Summer reading list by opensourceway on Flickr]

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