Kirstie Alley calls out Hollywood ‘yahoos’ for shunning Trump supporters

Look who’s talking.

Kirstie Alley, known for being outspoken about hypocrisy in Hollywood, had some words for people in Tinsel Town who don’t want to work with President Trump supporters: stop it.

The drama started after a pair of tweets last weekend, when “Will & Grace” stars Debra Messing and Eric McCormack called for the Hollywood Reporter to expose a list of Trump donors ahead of a campaign fundraising event in Los Angeles.

“Please print a list of all attendees please. The public has a right to know,” Messing tweeted.

Alley isn’t having it.

WARNING: Tweet contains explicit language

“I refuse to be part of the Hollywood asshats who can’t see that 'NOT working with Republicans' is as stupid and NASTY as 'REFUSING to do business with gay people,' she wrote. "STOP ACTING above the FRAY ya damn hypocrites...WE are the same species! let’s help each OTHER ya damn yahoos.”

Her words come after Trump explained his own interaction with Messing, later calling out network programmers for keeping the NBC star employed when others were fired.

Messing apologized for retweeting and supporting a story about an Alabama church that displayed a sign reading, “A black vote for Trump is mental illness.”

The other side of the sign proclaimed, “A white vote for Trump is pure racism.”

She deleted the tweet, explaining she regretted it.