LARRY KUDLOW: Three strikes and you're out, Joe
Kudlow says Biden is on the wrong side of these issues
Biden is on the wrong side of each of these stories: Larry Kudlow
FOX Business host Larry Kudlow gives his take on the NY v. Trump case, anti-Israel protests on college campuses and the Biden administration’s climate change agenda on ‘Kudlow.’
Three big news stories at the beginning of the week, and Joe Biden is on the wrong side of each one. Not on the wrong side by a little, but he's on the wrong side by a lot.
First, the prosecution’s opening statements in the Trump New York jury trial were made by the Biden Justice Department's former number three, Matthew Colangelo, which shows just how involved the Biden White House and Justice Department are in this crazy prosecution of Donald Trump.
Ironically, the DOJ initially passed on the prosecution, as did the Federal Election Commission. But Biden is involved. Big time.
New York judge putting Trump in jail would be 'political suicide': Kerri Kupec Urbahn
Fox News legal editor Kerri Kupec Urbahn reacts to Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg threatening to hold Trump in contempt for allegedly violating his gag order on 'Varney & Co.'
Also, what's illegal about nondisclosure agreements? They're used all the time.
And, what's illegal about candidate Trump running for president and trying to influence the election? It's called "campaigning." But there's something very wrong with President Biden trying to keep Trump off the campaign trail, and thus interfering with the election. In other words: campaigning, ok. Interfering, not ok.
Plus, Mr. Trump's gag order prohibits him from talking about Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, but they are constantly trashing him. There's something wrong about that.
Cohen's a serial liar. Daniels owes Trump about a half million dollars. Strike one for Joe Biden.
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'Fox & Friends' co-host Brian Kilmeade discusses the impact of Trump's arraignment on the U.S. judicial system and the former president's charges.
Then comes the antisemitic campus riots at Columbia, Yale, and elsewhere. Joe Biden has expressed sympathy for the Jewish students who are under attack. But sympathy is not the same as a Justice Department or FBI investigation and prosecution of antisemitic hate crimes and hate speech.
These elite colleges are guilty of both. University laws are being violated. Classes have been cancelled. But, remember, Joe Biden has become the principal defender of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion). And DEI has been the principal trigger behind the whole antisemitic movement. Until these university trustees are forced to change, they're not going to change. Joe Biden could force change, but he won't. Why?
Many reasons, but think Dearborn, Michigan, for one. So the wave of antisemitism on college campuses is strike two for Joe Biden.
Panelists speak out on anti-Israel protests plaguing college campuses
'Big Money Show' panelists discuss anti-Israel protests erupting on college campuses nationwide.
The third news item this week is Earth Day, where Joe Biden wants to spend another $7 billion on a climate change solar slush fund. This is just the latest installment of the Biden Green New Deal climate bank ATM. This is strike three for Joe Biden. Why?
Because most folks don't care about Earth Day or climate change. A Gallup survey released today shows that 55% worry about inflation. 53% about crime and violence. 48% worry about illegal immigration. And only 37% are concerned with the environment.
A couple of weeks ago, a Wall Street Journal headline read: "Biden Is Spending $1 Trillion to Fight Climate Change. Voters Don’t Care." Voters surveyed in seven swing states showed immigration was most important at 25%, economy 22%, inflation 13%, abortion 10%, and climate change... 2%.
Is climate change more of a threat than nuclear bombs?
Fox News contributor Liz Peek, National Review reporter Caroline Downey and author Batya Ungar-Sargon react to President Biden claiming climate change is worse than nuclear bombs on 'Kudlow.'
So, in other words, Americans are far more worried about "Bidenflation" and illegal immigrants than climate change. Know what? Three strikes and you're out, Joe.
This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow's opening commentary on the April 22, 2024, edition of "Kudlow."