5 best careers for working moms, according to an expert

Women looking for a career that provides flexibility to help them fulfill family duties while earning a good salary should look at these five positions.

Emma Johnson, the author of the book “The Kickass Single Mom” and founder of wealthysinglemommy.com, told Yahoo Finance that being a virtual assistant is a job that mothers can do from the comfort of their homes.

“This is something you literally can do from anywhere and it usually involves anything that your client needs, it can be setting up appointments it can include managing their e-mail,” Johnson told the site.

“One of the great things about being a virtual assistant is nobody cares if you went to school or where you went to school,” she added.

Social media manager is also another position great for working mothers because of the ability to create their own schedules. Johnson said mothers can earn a solid income running an organization or a person’s social media accounts.

For those who specialize in writing, being a copywriter or grant writer could give mothers a chance to earn hundreds of dollars on an hourly basis. Johnson noted that these positions can be done from home.

Women with children who have a science-focused bachelor’s degree should look into clinical research coordinator positions.

“That's often a six-figure position,” Johnson said. “It's an administrative job and you maybe are doing research on the front end coordinating all the researchers and all their data.”


Johnson said women are sought after to fill coder, programmer or developer positions. These jobs allow mothers to use their creativity, from building a website to developing an app for clients. Those who want to take on one of these positions don’t necessarily need a computer science or coding background.

“There are so many free or low-cost resources online to learn code, communities online...Facebook groups or Slack groups that will help you learn everything that you need to get started,” she said.