Adviser: New Guidance on Debt Deadline Likely Soon

White House senior adviser David Plouffe said Thursday the U.S. Treasury Department could provide new guidance on the deadline for raising the debt ceiling as early as Friday.

But he predicted on NBC's ``Today'' show that new guidance would not alter the Aug. 2 date, by which the Treasury has said the United States could default on debt without a congressional vote to raise the limit.

``The Treasury secretary has said Aug. 2 is the date. I believe they're going to offer some additional guidance maybe as soon as tomorrow or early next week,'' said Plouffe, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama.

But he added: ``There's very little debate. It's not going to change. We are in the danger zone now.''

His comments, coming a day after Obama urged Republicans in Congress to act quickly to reach a deal to raise the U.S. borrowing authority, appeared to suggest that any new statements from the Treasury would reinforce the importance of the Aug. 2 deadline.

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