Alan Dershowitz details what Hunter Biden's lawyers' meeting with DOJ 'tells us' about a potential resolution

Hunter Biden's legal team meets with Department of Justice officials over federal probe

Following Hunter Biden’s attorneys’ meeting with federal prosecutors Wednesday, one Harvard lawyer and professor emeritus claimed the gathering reveals several key takeaways about where a potential indictment stands.

"It would not surprise me if there were ultimately a resolution of this case short of a public indictment, some kind of information and a plea bargain," Harvard University Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Thursday on "Mornings with Maria." "But that's just speculation. But the meeting was sought by the Biden people, and that tells us something."

Fox News reported that several of Hunter Biden's attorneys were present at Department of Justice (DOJ) headquarters with tax division career attorneys, including his longtime attorney Chris Clark.

Lawyers from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware were present, but it was not clear if U.S. Attorney Davis Weiss was there.


Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation since 2018 for suspicious activity reports (SARs) regarding foreign transactions. Weiss, a prosecutor appointed by former President Donald Trump, is leading the investigation.

"It was the Biden people who sought the meeting, which means they're probably in a negotiating mode. People don't seek meetings just for a status report or an update, you can do that on the phone. When you bring in a group of lawyers to talk to people in the Justice Department, It's generally part of a negotiation," Dershowitz explained.

The House Oversight Committee has also been investigating suspicious financial activity surrounding the Biden family. Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., recently indicated there are now 12 Biden family members who have received money from Chinese entities.

"Right now we have nine, but I believe in the end that number will be at least 12. This was the Biden family influence-peddling scheme. And when people say, ‘Well, they were involved in ventures around the world,’ I haven't found a legitimate business on the Biden end," Comer told host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday.

One source close to Wednesday’s meeting told Fox News it was not necessarily a signal that the U.S. Attorney was prepared to decide soon on whether to prosecute Hunter Biden.

Moving forward in the investigation, the Harvard professor cautioned Americans to be aware that "the biggest hypocrisy" of law and justice will come from the academic and media "left."


"I’m a liberal Democrat who voted against Trump," Dershowitz clarified. "The hypocrisy of the academics and the media left is beyond even imagination, and there's nobody out there defending civil liberties."

"Not the American Civil Liberties Union, not the usual people in the academy, not The New York Times, not any of the liberal establishment," the lawyer continued. "And for me, as a liberal, as a person who just defended the rights of liberals for 60 years of my life, the idea that they're now turning into McCarthyites... is so disappointing."


Fox News’ Bradford Betz, Bill Mears, David Spunt and Jake Gibson contributed to this report.

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