US farmers burned by China trade war urge Trump to make deal

Farmers who descended on Decatur, Illinois, to check out state-of-the-art agriculture technology in the industry's largest outdoor trade show are increasingly worried by U.S. trade tensions with China that have cut them out of a large and lucrative market.

While growers appreciate President Trump’s commitment to the farming community and the subsidies he has provided to compensate for their loss, they hope a resolution can be reached in the near future, American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall said.

Farmers are encouraging Trump to "find some end to this trade war and do it sooner than later,” Duvall told the FOX Business Network’s “Cavuto: Coast to Coast” during the Farm Progress Show.

As the trade war drags on, there are mounting questions over how much longer American growers can wait it out.

“If you’re on the edge financially, this is a very difficult time and you got to have it done today,” Duvall said. “If there’s more mitigation payments coming down the road to them, they might stretch it out a little bit."