Conservative activist attacked on UC Berkeley campus

A conservative activist has filed a police report after being attacked by a left-wing protester on the University of California Berkeley campus.

Leadership Institute's Hayden Williams told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on Monday that he was trying to help conservative students recruit new members when two men approached his table and began using curse words.

The men took issue with a sign related to the case involving actor Jussie Smollett. The sign said hoaxes hurt real victims and are slanderous towards President Trump.  The words quickly escalated to violence as Williams was punched by one of the men.

“There’s a certain culture there that is especially hostile, on Berkeley’s campus and across the country, to conservative students and they’re willing to use violence if they think you’re too controversial,” Williams said on “Varney & Co.”


Williams is recovering from his injuries, including ringing in his ears and other symptoms of a concussion.

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