Economist Stephen Moore: Democrats' big-spender proposals more likely to cause another Great Depression

Economist and author Stephen Moore told FOXBusiness the economic proposals coming out of Thursday's Democratic debate would send the economy not into a recession but into a Great Depression.

"The Democrats are proposing tens of trillions of dollars of new spending with no way to pay for it," Moore said, referencing the Democrats' health care, climate change and other proposals come with multi-billion and even multi-trillion price tags.

Moore spoke exclusively to FOXBusiness after the Democratic primary debate held in Houston, Texas, on Thursday evening.

"What’s going on is Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren succeeded in pushing all the other Democratic candidates way to the left," Moore said. "You've got a party I call the doughnut democrats because there's no middle. ... My feeling is the more they talk and the more they're on that stage, the better it is for Donald Trump."

Economic ideas have been a dominant part of Democratic candidates' talking points in the race so far, from Andrew Yang's universal basic income to "freedom dividend" to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' $16 trillion climate proposal.

Frontrunner Joe Biden seemed to recognize that his colleagues were throwing dollar signs around early on in the debate, questioning Sanders about how he would pay for his Medicare for all plan that would cost trillions of dollars.


Moore is an economic expert at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think thank, and chief economic contributor at FreedomWorks, a free market advocacy group. He co-founded Club for Growth, a political action group.