Democrats call on AG William Barr to release full Mueller report

President Trump is reveling in the outcome of the Mueller investigation since the report was released on Friday.

“It lasted a long time, we’re glad it's over, it’s 100 percent the way it should have been…There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things, some very bad things, I would say treasonous things against our country,” the president said on Monday from the White House.

But while Attorney General William Barr said the report found no collusion with the Russians in the 2016 election, the special counsel determined it couldn't reach a conclusion on the question of obstruction of justice, and Trump still faces probes in New York State.

The president faces more opposition from the Democrats who say they won’t rest until they see the Mueller report in its entirety along with corresponding evidence. Furthermore, they want to question the attorney general.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) said in a news conference on Sunday, “The attorney general's comments make it clear that Congress must step in to get the truth and provide full transparency for the American people. We will ask the attorney general to testify before the house judiciary committee. We will demand the release of the full report."

Some Republicans along with Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, are calling for heads to roll.

“Then you have Adam Schiff. Talk about an oxymoron,” Conway said on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” Monday. “This man heads the intelligence committee in the house. He said quote, ‘he believed that the scandal was of a size and a scope probably bigger than Watergate and that there’s plenty of evidence of collusion.’ He ought to resign today.”

So are we looking at two more years of partisan accusations and investigations?

“Mueller ended the investigation but the Democrats are just starting,” Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli told “Making Money” host Charles Payne. “Don’t forget, they’re also investigating 81 people or entities that are remotely associated with President Trump. This was never about getting to the facts, this was about getting to President Trump, to not get him elected, to get him out of the white house, and the democrats are just going to continue to play these games.”

Democratic strategist Kristen Hawn disagrees, saying, “To say that Robert Mueller was not about getting to the facts is just false. I do think the democrats on Capitol Hill have a responsibility to call and subpoena folks and to get to the bottom of this and help the American people see what the report included but they could go too far.”


Borelli is suggesting to “roll back the tape” and look at the source of the investigation.

“What about Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Clapper, all of the characters that were involved in this early on. Where are the investigations for that? They should put as much energy and effort into what they did to Trump.”

Hawn said she’d be on board with getting to the bottom of Russia’s influence in our elections no matter what side of the aisle or who it is, but that, “we need to stop making this a partisan issue.”

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