Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to spend $3 trillion of your tax dollars to clean the Earth

How much is clean air realty worth?

If you are presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren, it is worth $3 trillion.

The Democratic presidential hopeful unveiled her new clean energy plan to save the environment today and was revealed with a nod to several ideas from former rival,  Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA), who dropped out of the Democratic field two weeks ago after positioning himself as the "climate candidate."

“Today I’m embracing that goal by committing to adopt and build on Governor Inslee’s 10-year action plan to achieve 100% clean energy... and I’m challenging every other candidate for President to do the same,” she wrote while announcing her new environmental plan.

Warren would like to commit the United States, according to her new plan published on website Medium, to using fully clean energy over the next ten years. That includes zero emissions and clean energy for cars, buildings, manufacturers and more.

“The science is clear,” Warren explains her reasoning behind this massive plan as Hurricane Dorian rages towards the Carolinas. “The world’s leading experts have long known that climate change is caused by human beings, it is here, and it is accelerating. We already see its effects — record floods, devastating wildfires, 100-year storms that happen every year — costing lives, causing hundreds of billions of dollars in damage… This is an emergency, and without rapid and widespread change, we will soon be unable to prevent the worst harms.”

“Today, I’m announcing I’ll commit an additional $1 trillion over 10 years — fully paid for by reversing Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and giant corporations,” Warren said that her plan will cost the government "a federal investment of $3 trillion" and "will leverage additional trillions in private investment and create millions of jobs.”

So what will Americans get exactly for this hefty price tag?

Warren's plan includes:

  •  100% zero-carbon pollution for all new commercial and residential buildings by 2028
  • 100% zero emissions for all new light-duty passenger vehicles, medium-duty trucks, and all buses by 2030
  •  100% renewable and zero-emission energy in electricity generation by 2035, with an interim target of 100% carbon-neutral power by 2030.

Warren is also targeting car companies in her plan. “In my first year in office, I’ll set strict vehicle emissions standards that will become progressively tighter every year, reaching a requirement for 100% zero-emissions for all new light- and medium-duty vehicles by 2030.”

Not only will she require the cars to be friendly to the environment but she will impose stricter regulations on the plants that manufacture new vehicles. “I’ll provide federal investments to grow domestic zero-emission vehicle manufacturing and reinforce the assembly plants and supply base, including battery manufacturing.”


The Democratic candidate for the 2020 election also set out her plans for new building regulations, “I’ll create a national zero-carbon building standard by 2023, and I’ll partner with states and local governments to enforce new and stronger building codes.”

Warren closes her arguments by reinforcing the dire need of her plans, “As president, I will take bold action to confront the climate crisis, starting on day one. The future of our planet depends on it, and we have no more time to waste.”

Last week Beto O'Rourke took to Medium to lay out his plan to end the trade war. Former Secretary of Housing & Urban Development, Julian Castro preceded him weighing in on protecting animals and wildlife and this marks Warren's second foray on to the social publishing platform. Earlier in August, Sen. Warren (D-MA) wrote about public safety and mass incarceration.

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