North Korea H-bomb test in Pacific would be close to an act of war: Ralph Peters

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters on Friday said if North Korea tested a nuclear bomb in the Pacific Ocean it would be the closest the Hermit Kingdom has come to committing an act of war.

North Korea announced Friday that the country might test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean. This comes after President Donald Trump’s United Nations address, saying that the U.S. if provoked, would destroy the communist country.

“That would be as close to an overt act of war as anything we’ve yet seen,” he told FOX Business’ Connell McShane on “Countdown to the Closing Bell.”

President Trump tweeted early Friday morning that Kim Jong Un is “a madman who doesn’t mind starving or killing his people,” further escalating the tensions between the U.S. and North Korea.

Peter’s said that China needs to intervene before the U.S. and North Korea go to war.

“If China doesn’t crackdown brutally hard on North Korea’s economy, mercilessly hard, this is going to end in war,” he said.

On Thursday, China’s central bank told other Chinese banks to stop doing business with North Korea. According to a Reuters source, the banks received documents on Monday to stop providing financial services and loans to new and existing North Korean customers.

Peter’s added that “it’s not about loans; it’s about the money transfers, the money laundering. If China really really were to crackdown, they could paralyze what’s left of the North Korean economy.”

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