Protester Fires Back After Trump’s Comments at GOP Gala

Donald Trump fired back at protesters during the New York State Republican Committee’s annual gala on Thursday, taking aim at their signs.

“You take a look outside, these are paid protesters folks. They’ve got the most beautiful signs made from a factory, they are all printed out… If they are real protesters we want those signs made in the basement,” he said.

A leader of these protests joined the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney to discuss the protests and respond to Mr. Trump.

“Some of our grassroots members had signs that they made in their homes and community spaces. This was a tremendous grassroots ground swell against the rhetoric of hate and divisiveness that’s been brought into the political campaign by Donald Trump,” said “Make the Road” action fund Managing Director Daniel Altschuler.

Even though Europe has seen some negative backlash from the migrant crisis, the proclaimed Social Democrat said the group stands for an “America that welcomes all immigrants.”

“America is a country of Immigrants. We have a long-standing history of welcoming immigrants and being able to integrate them effectively and we need to be able to continue to build on that record.”

Altschuler said protests were also about the candidacy of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and New York State GOP politicians running on anti-immigration platforms.

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