Rick Santorum: Clinton is Melting Down

Improving poll data, including the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll, has the GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump ahead for the first time since May.

According to the latest poll results, Trump leads Clinton by one percent among likely voters, carrying 46% in the latest poll versus Clinton’s 45%. With one week left until Election Day, former Senator, and 2016 presidential candidate, Rick Santorum (R-PA) told the FOX Business Network’s Neil Cavuto that the momentum is in Trump’s favor.

“If you look between now and Election Day, I really don’t see anything that changes the narrative, which is FBI investigation. There are more Wikileaks coming out. Hillary Clinton is going to be in the news, and as we’ve seen, anytime a candidate in this race is the news their number goes down because the news is never good,” he said.

While citizens in some early voting states have already cast their ballots, the former Senator said his home state, Pennsylvania, votes on Election Day and therefore, its citizens will be able to make a fully informed decision come November 8th.

“We don’t have early voting in Pennsylvania thanks be to God and absentee voters, even those who vote early can change their vote on Election Day,” Santorum said on FOX Business Network Cavuto: Coast-to-Coast.

Despite some polls suggesting Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania by upwards of 11 points, Santorum thinks her lead is decreasing as her campaign continues to dominate the news cycle.

“I think she [Clinton] is melting down, whether she is melted down completely at this point; the polls are indicating her lead is melting away.”

Santorum said Trump’s path to the White House doesn’t necessarily need to include winning Pennsylvania, but he thinks the Republican Party’s nominee can pick up additional points with Clinton’s integrity in question.

“I don’t think there is a path for Hillary Clinton without Pennsylvania and I think Trump is absolutely in play; the continuing question of Hillary’s integrity, her honesty is going to weigh on lot voters in suburbia Philadelphia,” Santorum said.

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