Theresa May won't survive Brexit vote: Nigel Farage

British lawmakers will decide on Tuesday whether they will support Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal.

If the vote is passed in the parliament, the U.K. would leave the European Union. However “Leave Means Leave” Vice Chairman Nigel Farage said the deal faces colossal defeat.

“This is going down tonight by a massive, massive margin in parliament,” he told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on Tuesday.

But just hours before the vote on Monday evening, May tweaked her deal and secured last minute pledges in Strasburg, France, where the European Parliament sits. But Farage said that the government’s top law officer Geoffrey Cox said the legally binding changes were untruthful.

“I think the Attorney General has been honorable, he has told the truth… what happened here in Strasburg last night was nothing more than a complete charade,” Farage said. “The vicar’s daughter which of course is Mrs. May’s heritage is not very good with the truth I’m afraid.”


Farage also said that Cox could replace Theresa May in the interim if the vote is not passed.

“I’ve [spoken] to several conservative MP’s this morning who will be demanding her head tonight in private, maybe in public too,” he said. “But maybe the time has come for somebody to slip in uncontested and pick up the reins because we are headed for disaster here.”

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