These are the faces of the new House committee chairs

For the first time in eight years, Democrats secured control of the House of Representatives in midterm elections on Tuesday that saw several deep-red seats flip blue.

Here’s a look at who Democrats will likely nominate to serve as chairs on key, agenda-setting committees – and potential policy changes they may strive for within the next few years.

House Ways and Means Committee: Massachusetts Rep. Richard Neal

As the current ranking member of the committee, Neal will likely replace Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, at the helm of the panel tasked with overseeing, most notably, tax policy. A vocal opponent of the Affordable Care Act, Neal would likely try to strengthen the Obama-era law as chairman, although he’s been hesitant to embrace a healthcare-for-all system.

Neal is also poised to lead the fight to unveil President Trump’s tax returns. Last month, he told the Wall Street Journal that Democrats would seek a firsthand look at the documents if they took control of the House.

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings

Cummings, the current top Democrat on the committee, is expected to head the House’s investigative body. Expect Cummings to lead scrutinizing investigations into all aspects of Trump’s personal life, family business and government by issuing subpoenas and demanding records from federal officials.

Cummings has already compiled a list of 64 subpoenas and inquiries that were rejected by Republican committee leadership, but Democrats have said they plan to revisit the requests, according to ABC News. He will replace Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., a fierce Trump ally.

House Appropriations Committee: New York Rep. Nita Lowey

If she’s chosen to lead one of the most influential committees in Congress -- which is tasked with regulating government spending and determining policy on medical research, defense programs, family-planning grants and border security -- Lowey will become the first woman to do so.

The 15-term lawmaker would be the lead writer for spending bill, although Congressional leaders generally determine the overall spending level.

A staunch advocate for gun control, Lowey would likely seek new funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research gun violence, according to The Wall Street Journal. Under her leadership, Democrats would also likely push for additional research on the effects of climate change. She will replace Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, R-N.J., who is retiring.

House Budget Committee: Kentucky Rep. John Yarmuth

The current ranking member, Yarmuth said that if he’s elevated to chairman by his fellow party members, he would push back against Trump’s proposed spending cuts, including the $1.4 billion initial cost of constructing a U.S-Mexico border wall, according to the Courier Journal.

He’s an outspoken proponent of using federal spending for safety-net programs, and has previously said he’d use his leadership position to advocate for a single-payer healthcare system.

The budget committee is responsible for oversight of the federal budget process, reviewing all bills and resolutions related to it. A potential problem for Yarmuth? An impending, September expiration of the current budget deal. He’s replacing Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark.

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: California Rep. Adam Schiff

Although Schiff is the ranking member of this committee, the new chair will be selected by the new Speaker of the House – to be determined. A former prosecutor, Schiff has vowed to restore checks and balances on the White House and reexamine the Trump-Russia relationship.

If selected, Schiff would replace Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who -- an unfettered Trump ally -- pursued a politically divisive investigation into allegations of spying on the Trump campaign in 2016.