Time to discuss the critical elements needed for the Supreme Court: Kennedy

I am so sick of hearing about Brett Kavanaugh for all the wrong reasons. Never mind he's been downgraded from a gang rapist to an angry, ice- hucking drunk, all of this forced turmoil has taken us away from discussing the critical elements a supreme court justice must have for an all important lifetime appointment.

Hillary-hating conservatives who were scared to the bejeesus belt by Donald Trump bit the bullet for scotus seats alone. They were pacified with Neil Gorsuch's confirmation, and now the ongoing Kavanaughty saga has people beaten into exhaustion. What do warring sides do with emotional carnage and fed up voters? Why they capitalize on every filthy angle for political gain.

Suburban women tend to believe the gentle testimony of Christine Ford over Brett Kavanaugh's impassioned rebuttle, so Democrats are hoping to twist the screws and prolong the agony, not to get to some basic truths about a conservative jurist, but to extend the painful hemorrhaging to hopefully deliver helpful pink votes.

It is no longer about whether a judge has a subjective view of a "living constitution" that changes more often than an emmy host, it's about whether enough dirt sticks to his white dickey from professional mud slinging gossip wranglers.

Jeff Flake proved the efficacy of loud when he buckled to elevator protesters and asked for new conditions in return for the yea vote he'd already pledged. Now he's prancing around New Hampshire as if anyone gives a rip or wants to suffer through his electoral sad face when he's trounced running a campaign no one asked for. Jeff Flake may be a principled man with some great ideas, but he's got the political instincts of a goldfish in a sauna.

Speaking of which, this whole process stinks. We've gotten addicted to the drama of ever twisting plots and ruined lives, but 20 years from now will anyone have been better for the process? Only Brett Kavanaugh *if* he's confirmed will be the last man shouting weener-neener.