Tired of politics, culture dominated by liberal billionaires: Varney

I can't remember a time when such enormous power was concentrated in so few hands.

Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook. Sergey Brin and Larry Page at Google's parent company, Alphabet, and Jack Dorsey at Twitter sit on top of social networks that dictate the information that billions of people rely on.

President Trump accuses them of censoring conservative opinion. Several studies recently suggest that is the case. But the point is, those four people have the power to do that. Is that right?

We can debate all day long the merits of regulating social networks versus free market; let 'em do what they want. I don't know how this shakes out.

But I do know that such concentrated power will bring on a political response. They are some of the richest people in the world, and they have the power to say what you and I are allowed to read. Their networks reach billions of people, daily, so they set the terms on what's OK to put out and what’s not OK. Is that free speech? No, it’s not. It is speech that’s regulated by a couple of billionaires. They have skewed political news and debate. There is no doubt in my mind that conservatives are shut out.

So when the president says Google Search is rigged, and Larry Kudlow says the administration will "look into" regulation, I agree. I'm a free market guy, but I’m tired of seeing our politics and our culture dominated by liberal billionaires. Reign 'em in!

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