Trish Regan to 2020 Democrats: Enough with the free stuff, it’s not affordable nor sustainable

It’s a parade of free stuff from the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Sen. Bernie Sanders is now pitching his free college for all and debt forgiveness for the existing $1.6 trillion in outstanding student loan debt.

In Bernie’s America, no one has to take responsibility for anything. In Bernie’s America, if you dare to try to achieve something, Bernie and his bureaucratic cronies—who somehow think Venezuela is a real example of the American Dream (his website posted an op-ed saying exactly that a few years back)—they’ll tax all your success away because somehow you don’t deserve it. They’ll tax you, they’ll tax big business, and they’ll tax investment, in order to provide college for all.

This kind of thing has been tried before. Pick your country: they have plenty of free college all over Europe and guess what, in several of those countries such as Germany, Austria and the Netherlands to name a few, you get tracked and labeled from the time you’re little with the government deciding whether you’re college material from an early age. That’s not who we are. We don’t want the government predetermining the fate of kids.

If you look at an industry that’s seen too much government support, it’s clear that support has inflated pricing. The healthcare industry is a good example.

Education is too. Inflation in education and health care has completely outpaced the rest of our economy—education at a rate of three to one and health care at a rate of two to one. That’s because the government is there to subsidize it—whether it be through Medicaid and Medicare, with no thought given towards actual costs, or whether it’s through federal loans that encourage the whole United States population to go to college — regardless of whether or not they’re qualified.

The real answer to this, that some people just don’t want to hear because it means assuming individual responsibility, is to get the government out of the education and health care business altogether. Enough with the free stuff.


It’s not affordable, not sustainable, and not practical. Venezuela is proof enough of that.

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