Trump 2020 GOP challenger says president has failed

2020 GOP presidential candidate Bill Weld told FOX Business’ Neil Cavuto President Trump has failed in his duty to ensure American jobs are not threatened by technical advances in automation.

“I don’t think the president is doing his job,” he said on Thursday. “He’s not doing the job of watching out for cutting spending. He hasn’t to this point. He’s not doing the job of worrying about all the workers who are going to be displaced because of artificial intelligence.”

Weld is warning America should be planning ahead by providing workers the necessary expertise to withstand the loss of jobs from AI.

“We've got to be planning now for how to get them the technical skills they are going to need to get the replacement jobs which will be higher-paying jobs and I am not sure anyone is minding the store there,” he said.

The former Massachusetts governor argued Trump essentially stopped being president when he gave Congress, specifically House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., an ultimatum of refusing to legislate over the Democratic leadership’s continued inquiries into the president's finances.

“I think that picture of the president as totally self-absorbed and not getting out there and doing his job to take care of the people he was elected to represent, I think that image is going to sink in people’s minds and you are going to see his ratings go down.”

The Trump administration continues to garner strong support from members of the Republican Party with a pretty healthy U.S. economy and a resilient market.


Weld said he is confident he can wrestle the GOP nomination away from Trump. He is counting on millennials, Generation X and suburban women who didn’t vote in the Republican primaries to come out in greater numbers.

“I think they are going to be troubled about the extent to which Mr. Trump seems to be keeping his own counsel and not really participating in the duties of his office,” Weld said.

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