Trump Laying Down the Law to GOP on Tax Reform?

As Republicans renew efforts to repeal and replace ObamaCare, President Trump is expected to outline his plan for tax reform, the next step in the Republican agenda. Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI), said its essential that tax reform move to the top of the administration's agenda.

“We’re going back obviously tomorrow and the rest of this week, we have to deal with the government resolution, the continuing resolution for government funding, tackle health care.  But tax reform has to happen because we know jobs are created primarily by those small business owners,” Huizenga told the FOX Business Network’s Stuart Varney.

Huizenga says lawmakers are returning to Washington, D.C. with an increased willingness to reach a compromise on tax reform. "(They) have come back saying, ‘you know what, we have to set aside some of these other things and adopt what Ronald Reagan had said, which is ‘someone agrees with me 80% of the time, they’re my friend, not my enemy.”

Huizenga, who wrote an op-ed on Dodd-Frank in the Detroit News, discussed why supports efforts to replace the financial regulation. “We all know that Dodd-Frank is an agenda waiting for a crisis.”

Huizenga sees the financial regulation as hurting American consumers.

“It’s just made it more difficult for hard-working taxpayers to go have the banking system work for them, not against them.”

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