Trump threatens Mexican tariffs with 80,000 immigrants in custody

The White House believes that the Mexican government isn’t doing enough to stop migrants from illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and in response President Trump on Thursday evening unexpectedly announced that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all goods coming into the United States from Mexico – by land, sea or air.

The current swell of illegal migrants crossing into the U.S. from Mexico is “overwhelming” border patrol agents and has “severely impacted the ability” to enforce U.S. immigration laws, according to the Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Kevin McAleenan.

“U.S. immigration authorities now have over 80,000 people in custody, a record level that is beyond sustainable capacity with current resources. Over 7,500 single adults are in custody at the border and Immigration and Customs Enforcement is holding over 50,000,” he said.

FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo in April hosted a special episode of “Sunday Morning Futures” at the border in El Paso, Texas. An interview with border patrol agents was interrupted by illegal migrants crossing the border.

The FBI in April also arrested a member of an armed militia group operating along the U.S. border accused of detaining migrants in New Mexico.

President Trump’s Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney said a sliding scale tariff plan is in place if Mexico is unable to assist the U.S. in fixing the immigration problem.

“If the Mexican government is incapable… or unwilling to assist us in resolving the situation at our southern border that tariff will go to 10 percent on July 1st, 15 percent on August 1st, 20 percent on September 1st and 25 percent on October 1st,” he said.


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