We have today a classic case of Hollywood hypocrisy: Stuart Varney

We have today a classic case of hypocrisy: Hollywood hypocrisy.

Harvey Weinstein – the ultimate power broker – according to a report in the NY Times, is a serial abuser of women. He is suing the Times for $50 million.

Harvey Weinstein is the ultimate Hollywood liberal. A tireless promoter of women's causes. But for decades, he's allegedly been trading power for sex, and paying off his victims.

In the words of the Times' story, "dozens of Mr. Weinstein's former and current employees, from assistants to top executives, said they knew of inappropriate conduct while they worked for him.”

Actress Ashley Judd says she was asked to go to his hotel room, where while naked, Weinstein asked for a massage and to have Ms. Judd watch him take a shower. She remembers wanting to get out of the room as fast as possible without alienating Harvey Weinstein.

Back up a little. Mr Weinstein fits right into the Hollywood liberal mold. There are few liberal causes he has not supported. He has given a great deal of money to Democrats like senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren. He gave to Hillary Clinton. And he gave $99,000 to the DNC.

And here of course, is the hypocrisy: In public, sexism is terrible. In private, he is allegedly, a sexist. Do as we say, not as we do…

How many times have we had this from the Hollywood elites: They hate guns, but gun violence runs thick in the movies. Pay more tax, but give us a tax break.

The presidency of Donald Trump has provoked hatred and contempt, and Hollywood has been leading the anti-Trump charge. Knock it off – we don't want any more moral lectures from you.

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