About marathon petroleum corp. - MPC
MPC At a Glance
Phone | 1-419-422-2121 | Revenue | 138.52B | |
Industry | Oil Refining/Marketing | Net Income | 3.44B | |
Sector | Energy Minerals | Employees | 18,300 | |
Fiscal Year-end | 12 / 2025 | |||
View SEC Filings |
MPC Valuation
P/E Current | 14.77 |
P/E Ratio (with extraordinary items) | N/A |
P/E Ratio (without extraordinary items) | 13.82 |
Price to Sales Ratio | 0.343 |
Price to Book Ratio | 2.484 |
Price to Cash Flow Ratio | 5.49 |
Enterprise Value to EBITDA | 8.654 |
Enterprise Value to Sales | 0.577 |
Total Debt to Enterprise Value | 0.36 |
MPC Efficiency
Revenue/Employee | 7,569,234.973 |
Income Per Employee | 188,087.432 |
Receivables Turnover | 12.429 |
Total Asset Turnover | 1.651 |
MPC Liquidity
Current Ratio | 1.174 |
Quick Ratio | 0.714 |
Cash Ratio | 0.154 |
MPC Profitability
Gross Margin | 6.522 |
Operating Margin | 4.197 |
Pretax Margin | 4.301 |
Net Margin | 2.485 |
Return on Assets | 4.103 |
Return on Equity | 16.333 |
Return on Total Capital | 7.402 |
Return on Invested Capital | 7.36 |
MPC Capital Structure
Total Debt to Total Equity | 162.063 |
Total Debt to Total Capital | 61.841 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 35.79 |
Long-Term Debt to Equity | 142.53 |
Long-Term Debt to Total Capital | 54.388 |
Marathon Petroleum Corp. in the News
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