About merck & co. inc. - MRK
MRK At a Glance
Phone | 1-908-740-4000 | Revenue | 63.97B | |
Industry | Pharmaceuticals: Major | Net Income | 17.12B | |
Sector | Health Technology | 2024 Sales Growth | 6.851% | |
Fiscal Year-end | 12 / 2025 | Employees | 75,000 | |
View SEC Filings |
MRK Valuation
P/E Current | 13.957 |
P/E Ratio (with extraordinary items) | N/A |
P/E Ratio (without extraordinary items) | 14.768 |
Price to Sales Ratio | 3.951 |
Price to Book Ratio | 5.429 |
Price to Cash Flow Ratio | 11.775 |
Enterprise Value to EBITDA | 11.048 |
Enterprise Value to Sales | 4.335 |
Total Debt to Enterprise Value | 0.138 |
MRK Efficiency
Revenue/Employee | 852,973.333 |
Income Per Employee | 228,226.667 |
Receivables Turnover | 5.749 |
Total Asset Turnover | 0.572 |
MRK Liquidity
Current Ratio | 1.365 |
Quick Ratio | 1.15 |
Cash Ratio | 0.484 |
MRK Profitability
Gross Margin | 73.736 |
Operating Margin | 32.209 |
Pretax Margin | 31.163 |
Net Margin | 26.757 |
Return on Assets | 15.298 |
Return on Equity | 40.806 |
Return on Total Capital | 20.237 |
Return on Invested Capital | 22.252 |
MRK Capital Structure
Total Debt to Total Equity | 82.633 |
Total Debt to Total Capital | 45.245 |
Total Debt to Total Assets | 32.68 |
Long-Term Debt to Equity | 76.305 |
Long-Term Debt to Total Capital | 41.78 |
Merck & Co. Inc. in the News
Coalition calls on Congress to repeal Biden's prescription drug price controls
More than 40 groups have signed onto a letter asking Congress to end the prescription drug price control scheme included in the Inflation Reduction Act.
AI helping remove Chinese goods made with Uyghur forced labor from corporate supply chains
Altana Technologies developed an AI-informed supply chain mapping system used by Customs and Border Protection and a number of firms to root out Uyghur forced labor from supply chains.
Corporate diversity policies may face scrutiny after Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling
The Supreme Court's ruling rejecting the use of affirmative action and consideration of race as a factor in college admissions could prompt challenges to companies' diversity programs.
LARRY KUDLOW: Biden's op-ed on the economy is chock full of Pinocchios
FOX Business host Larry Kudlow dissects the 'untruths' in President Biden's Wall Street Journal op-ed in his opening monologue on 'Kudlow.'
Merck sues Biden HHS for drug price-fixing 'sham' it says would cripple pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical company Merck has filed a lawsuit against the Biden administration for a new drug pricing program it says is an unconstitutional "sham."
India set to release newly developed cervical cancer vaccine soon
The Serum Institute of India (SII) has recently announced that they have successfully developed the world's first cervical cancer vaccine, which will soon hit shelves soon.
Merck’s COVID-19 pill heavily used so far despite concerns
A new COVID-19 pill from Merck & Co. and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics LP has been more widely used than expected since rolling out late last year, though regulators and many doctors consider it a last resort.
Western drugmakers are still providing medicines to Russia
Western health care companies continue supplying medicine, vaccines and medical equipment to Russia.
FDA authorizes second COVID-19 antiviral pill, Merck's molnupiravir
The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday authorized the use of Merck's molnupiravir pill for treating COVID-19, the second such emergency use authorization in two days.
Merck COVID pill effective, experts will review safety: FDA
Federal health regulators say an experimental COVID-19 pill from Merck is effective against the virus, but they will seek input from outside experts on risks of birth defects and other potential problems in pregnant women.